Boost Your Recovery: Hyperbaric Chamber Secrets for Rapid Healing
Advanced Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center Advanced Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center
15.5K subscribers

 Published On Apr 21, 2024

Discover the cutting-edge secret to faster healing and stunning results! Join us as Dr. Jon Mendelsohn from the Advanced Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center unveils the groundbreaking hyperbaric chamber therapy.

Learn how this innovative treatment can revolutionize your recovery process, reducing inflammation, bruising, and swelling by up to 75%. Watch as we dive deep into the science behind hyperbaric oxygen therapy, showcasing its incredible benefits for pre and post-surgery.

Say goodbye to lengthy downtime and hello to a rejuvenated you in no time! Don't miss out on this exclusive insight into the future of cosmetic surgery recovery.

Call now to embark on your journey to a more radiant you: 513-351-3223.


Look Good on Your Lunch Hour, sponsored by the Advanced Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center.

Good afternoon once again. If you're headed for a procedure soon, there's something you might want to consider. The NIH says it's sort of a preconditioning to healing. Joining us now to talk more about it and look good on your lunch hour, Dr. Jon Mendelsohn of the Advanced Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center.

Good afternoon to you. You are using this new hyperbaric chamber. So tell us what this is.

Yeah. So hyperbaric chamber is a pressurized chamber where patients are breathing oxygen. And what it's doing is it's increasing the blood, the oxygen concentration within the blood. And what this does, for our uses, is it promotes healing.

So patients will do some "dives" ahead of their surgery and some "dives" afterward. And what studies have shown is up to a 75% increase in recovery, and decrease in inflammation, bruising and swelling.

And the reason for this is the oxygen concentration is up to 1,000% greater than normal being under this atmospheric pressure.

All right. So let's show a little video. Can you explain to me how this works. We kind of see someone getting into this sort of large, uh, pouch.

Yeah. Ours isn't the easiest chamber to get into, but you can see. You climb into the chamber, you can see Dawn in there. And after a few minutes, the atmospheric pressure, sort of like scuba diving, increases.

So you might need to yawn or swallow so your ears don't get plugged. But as you can see with Dawn, you can take your phone in there. It's difficult to have a conversation because it is somewhat loud, but you can do some work. You're quite comfortable. Usually our dives last anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes. Personally, I've been in there for longer periods of time.

There are other uses for this in terms of improved cognition and other anti-aging effects. A lot of the elite athletes will use these for recovery from from muscles. But for us, you can see Dawn. There's not a lot to do in there. You're there for about, like I say, an hour to 90 minutes and, we decompress you, you climb out, and that is. That's it. You can go right back to your normal activities immediately.

Excellent. Okay. Final thought. I know you were including this as kind of the surgical cost and whatnot, but are you finding that patients are really doing better when they use it in advance and then afterward?

Yeah, we are. This is something that's been tested. You know, we used to use it for non healing diabetic ulcers, let's say in the hospital, smokers have a greater risk and decreased blood flow to their tissues. So this has been used. So this is nothing new. It is newer to the cosmetic surgery world. There are patients who may have risk factors who historically we would send somewhere else to another chamber just to prepare them for surgery. So, yeah, it's absolutely legitimate and very helpful in terms of overall recovery.


Always helps to have everything you can for healing.

Dr. Jon Mendelsohn, thank you for joining us. We want to give people a quick phone number if they want to reach out to you. 513-351-3223.

I know Dawn's getting a facelift and we look forward to seeing her before and afters. Thanks for your work.

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